I am an atheist. The Idea of religion and god is completely out of the scope of my understanding. There are just too many loose ends in the theory. Take any religion; there are some common questions that they all fail to answer satisfactorily. For example: the proof of the existence of god? The fact that there is no scientific support for the theories? The fact that all religions have a human beginning?
All religions began at some point in time in the last few hundred or thousand years with a man who called himself a godsend, a prophet of some kind, with the divine god given ability to communicate with god. Then he writes a book that contains all the teachings of god. He writes about the idea of hell and heaven and god and devil, good and evil. As if this wasn’t enough he gives us a set of rules that god wants us to follow if we want to be good and gain passage to heaven in the after life. This book after a few hundred years becomes legend and people start believing that this god person did actually exist. That he is all knowing and powerful. Then man fears god and follows his rules. And in all this time, no one had the brains or the audacity or the curiosity to ask, “Hey! Wait a minute…. Does god have a say in all this?? He has never spoken to me or given me any rules. Why should I just take another mans word for it. Maybe god doesn’t exist. Maybe this prophet dude was lying or just playing an elaborate joke on us. Maybe there is no hell or heaven or rebirth. Maybe when you die, you just die.” But by this time this hypothetical man would be convicted of having committed a sin and burned on the cross.
The interesting thing is that different gods and religions have different rules, different rituals. So in one religion being a non-vegetarian is ok but in another it is naaat. In one religion polygamy is ok, in the other its naaat So this completely contradicts “ THE ONE GOD “ theory that they teach in Schools of secular countries like India, because we have the freedom to choose whatever religion we like and the freedom to practice it too. ( I say naaat because I’m an Ali G fan !!! If you still don’t get it, watch BORAT. That shit is just too funny. ).
The world population is divided into many religions. Christianity has the largest following. Second is Islam. Any guesses for third ??? Its atheism and then comes Hinduism in fourth place. The reason for the number of Atheists being greater than the number of Hindus is that China is an atheist country. There is no religious freedom in China. In Chinese schools they teach “There is no god and you are an idiot and a dumass if you think there is one.” This is what the Chinese follow because this is what Chairman Mao wrote in his little red book. ( Which is ironical because I’m sure that in a few thousand years Chairman Mao will probably become a legend in China and some may even go to the extent of calling him a prophet and his little red book Holy. )
I find that god and religion are a product of Human psychological evolution over time. It is the result of sheer stupidity and fear. A way to institutionalize mankind and their way of thinking. I say it is stupid because people buy into the idea easily because they like to justify everything that they can’t explain as the work of god, instead of being curious and trying to find out the root cause of phenomenon that they can’t explain. So when a kid goes to his parents and asks “ Where do babies come from???” His parents find it easier to say “ God sends them.” instead of bothering to explain, which is understandable, but saying “God did it” when asked “ Why does GHATTU have such a Faaat Ass ????” ( This is GHATTU’s Orkut Profile…
He is one year senior to me and happy being a nigger in the USA nowadays. When I try to picture GATTU in the USA, here is what it looks like in my head……
But I will dedicate an entire post to him later :) )
So coming back to the main question….Will I go to hell or heaven ???
I have broken a lot of rules of my religion. Too many to count. I will probably go to hell. But then I love myself and I love my life. The whole point of life is to live in the present. Besides I don’t think that far into the future anyway. I guess since I’m going to hell anyway there is no point changing the way I live now. Long live The Great ADI . (By long live I mean Forever…..)
Comments anyone ??? Maybe I’m not damned. Maybe I can change. Maybe there is still hope for me ? Maybe I will go to heaven after all……